I was very sad to find out that my friend Julia Struck passed away some weeks ago. We were good friends ever since she hosted me for a week on the edge of Berlin 3 years ago. She loved showing me her photography and we had fun going to the flea market to sell some of the stuff laying around her house. Ever since moving to Germany we have kept in touch and written every so often. She unexpectedly passed away in February which came as a shock to many as she was under 40 years old.

Julia was an early supporter and fan of the podcast and I tried to help as best I could with travel and relationship advice. But what this taught me is that because life can be taken away from us at any moment, we have to live without regrets. Life is short and things can be over before you know it. Luckily, Julia seemed to have had interesting experiences as a German in the US, Ireland and finally Austrailia. I hope during her short life she was able to see many interesting things, interesting people, and some wisdom.

You will always be in our heart!