The Hicks family of Grady, Mason and Brianna have all gone through a pretty amazing trip. Starting out as a fun graduation present for the oldest, now the father Grady has taken all his children on a month-long trip around the world. During this time they decided to make things more fun and they gave themselves a checklist of things they had to do and see everyday. They have since turned it into a series of books for the adventure with each child. Grady's hard work pays off with his planning of hundreds of things to see and why to see them for each trip.

In this four way episode we talk about how the idea for a Amazing Race themed trip around the world.  We talk about how he was able to plan the trips and the amount of time it took for each trip to be planned. We discuss the ability for the children to remember the places versus the father and how things were forgotten. We also talk about the power of travel to make the world smaller. Finally, the show turns into a bit of a therapy session on how this travel experience can be used to enhance the rest of life. By not only keeping some experiences segmented in one part of your life but allowing it to become who you are, you can take in even more of the experiences.