This was one of my favorite interviews because Patrick is a mix of traveller, financial consultant, author and entrepreneur. Unlike other guests I have talked to on the show he does consulting but not in diet, life coaching, or anything else you don't need much experience in. He does financial consulting because he used to work for AIG! He then slowly transitioned out of that and was able to start his own consulting business just like he suggests we should. See, we sometimes hear about how we need to "burn the ships" and there's no turning back when you decide to 

See, we sometimes hear about how we need to "burn the ships" and there's no turning back when you decide to start a new business. He says that we should actually do as much as we can while we are still in relative safety. Only when you have done as much as you can do should you jump into the business fully. 

I think this resonates with me so much because I think that we should never do anything permanent. Always try to make your decisions and actions temporary unless you are absolutely convinced that it is the right thing to do. Only then should you do it, otherwise you might end up with debt, lost time, or stuck with someone you don't like!