Lydia says that learning with a teacher is not the only way to learn a language! She actually says that learning yourself is the best way and then the teacher or tutor can be used as a guide. You have the power to learn what you want! That's why I love Lydia so much! You don't have to wait for the right class to come along, you can do what you want right away!

In her Language Mentoring site (as well as her Slovak version of this site) she teaches how to go through and learn a language to a high level by yourself. That's how she learned 7 additional languages, no teacher required!


She is also the head organizer of the upcoming Polyglot Gathering in Bratislava May 31st to June 4th. I will also be volunteering so can't wait to see you there!


The music at the end of the show was from Fastnacht in the village of Elzach outside of Freiburg, Germany. People dress up in scary costumes and hit the ground (and people) with sheep bladders filled with air. It's lots of fun with marching bands and kids running away from these 'monsters.'