Dino Watt is the host of the Business of Marriage podcast and the Relationship Expert. Dino and Shannon Watt cause high-level entrepreneurs and influencers to discover more passion, fun and excitement in their marriage. Discovering that no success, celebrity or accolades outside the home will ever be as powerful as the potential failure in the home. Both Dino and Shannon were raised in Southern California. It was there, at the age of 5, where they first met. They recently celebrated their 17th wedding anniversary. Using an insightful, informal, and a highly entertaining approach, their clients are able to achieve the success in their marriage that matches the success in their business.

In this episode we talk about how having a business mindset with the right framework will guarantee success. We talk about the importance of "employee evaluations" within the marriage as well as the services you have to provide for "customers." We also talk about the need for a hierarchy within a marriage putting employees before customers. Finally we talk about how to travel while in a relationship. We talk about how when cabin fever can set in, you have to respect the strengths and weaknesses of your partner. In this way you can minimize stress and generally have a more pleasant time.

His joke: "ObamaCare"