Emilie Wapnick runs puttylike which is the home of multipotentialites online. She says that most people have multiple potentials and should not be led to do only one thing in life. In her TED talk she mentions her start as a lawyer and how that has changed to blogging as well as many other passions over the years. She embraces the changes in direction of her life and thinks it is beneficial.

In this episode we talk about her coming trip in a trailer and my experience with ladybugs in camping trailers. She then talks about how she has gone through many careers and how it is ok to explore and jump around. Then she talks about how having these many kinds of backgrounds can be beneficial and can make unexpected combinations that could be very popular. We throw around ideas like scuba diving for historians, laundromats with ice cream, bike shops that are also coffee shops, and other non intuitive businesses that can be surprisingly successful. She has helped people find their passions for the last few years and hopes to do this for the future. We then talk about how being flexible and puttylike is the way to thrive in the new economy. Most jobs existing today did not exist 10 years ago and our current jobs will not exist in 10 years.