Callum Laing has been called the most networked man in Asia. He is a New Zealander that has started built, bought and sold half a dozen businesses in a range of industries across two continents. He is the owner of Fitness-Buffet a company delivering employee wellness solutions in 11 countries and he is also the CEO of Entrevo Asia, a company that runs 40 week Growth Accelerator programs allowing executives and business owners to become a ‘Key Person of Influence’ in their industry.

In this episode we talk about Callum's move from working in technology in Netherlands during the tech bubble to Asia. He talks about how markets do not like profits and that only during times of large change is it possible to take advantage of massive opportunities. We talk about how when he moved he had to create a new network that was no longer based on convenience and location. He ended up starting some networking events which brought people together. During his meetings he might be personally connected to about 1000 people and tens of thousands went through his networking groups in Asia. He also shares the story of how he was able to make $50k by putting a group together within a few months.