On the Sunday, June 23rd edition of The Travel Guys… * In The Travel News, Hawaii is cracking down on vacation rentals.  The rentals have caused an already tight housing situation, particularly on Oahu, to get much worse, both in terms of availability and cost of housing for local residents.  TSA is disappointed in the number of people enrolled in Pre-Check, and they are studying an idea that might allow people to pay for the...

On the Sunday, June 23rd edition of The Travel Guys…

* In The Travel News, Hawaii is cracking down on vacation rentals.  The rentals have caused an already tight housing situation, particularly on Oahu, to get much worse, both in terms of availability and cost of housing for local residents.  TSA is disappointed in the number of people enrolled in Pre-Check, and they are studying an idea that might allow people to pay for the service in installments (currently it’s $85 for 5 years), or to get a “trial” at a reduced cost to promote the “get through security faster” service.  Mark says it’s the best $85 he’s ever spent.

* Today’s Smarter Traveler tips include tips for checking out/doing business with Tour Operators (pay by credit card, check out on line reviews in more than one place, check with the Attorney General’s office in the company’s home state for any violations or issues with refunds, etc.).  Hawaii is limiting vacation rentals to help locals and we tell you why you shouldn’t take things out of the hotel mini-bar to put your things inside.

* Steve LaRosa offers the first of a two-part travel guide to New Mexico.  The first part highlights Albuquerque and Taos.

* We talk to hurricane survivor Paul Fling about his experience with a hurricane in Hawaii and get his tips for what to do before, during and after if you find yourself in the eye of the storm.

* And we have an update on a special LGBT Pride Month play being presented on Sunday, June 30th at the Cordova Arts Center.  One show only, at 6:30pm. Click here to purchase tickets.


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