Ever wonder how long it would be before you could seriously take an electric vehicle on a long road trip?  So did I. But in this episode we talk to someone who has done it and done it in style.

We'll talk with Joe Hackman, new and happy Tesla owner about:

- the things he likes about the car itself Elon Musk's Spinal Tap feature Joe's sales pitch for Tesla (Elon, if you'd like to make a donation to the show...wink!) Range fatigue (and planning for a 3000+ mile road trip in an EV) Maintaining the battery Navigating on the Auto-Pilot (yes, the car driving itself) Lessons learned How long was Joe's longest day on the road? How frequently recharges were necessary, how long to charge, and how to spend the time.

Find show notes at https://www.travelfuelslife.com/podcasts