Relationships - Today's beautiful conversation on Transitions Podcast has come at the perfect time as each of us are forced inside. Dylan Tanner is passionate about sharing his story so that others can learn from his mistakes and choose gratitude and living in the present moment. Dylan was recently released from prison after serving an 18 year sentence. He speaks openly about his experience transitioning from the "inside" to the outside world and how gratitude for life is assisting him each day as he navigates this transition. He admits it's not always easy, life is complicated but he is choosing to learn from his mistakes and connect deeper with himself. He invites each of you to honor your feelings and speak up about your emotions with others. Don't stuff it, share it. 

Dylan shares these four key take-aways:

Forgiveness, which includes forgiving yourself first. Living in the present moment.Love yourself and express your feelings and love towards those closest to you.Gratitude for all things, including life itself. There is always something to be grateful if we choose to see it. 

It is our hope as we share Dylan's story that you can see all that you have in your own life and during this trying times of being forced inside, we can see all the beautiful and magical moments that we have every single day.