Relationships - Today's episode is all about accountability and being whole within ourself so that we can be whole with others. Thank you, Christine Lavulo, for sharing your marital journey of separation and reconnection after 15 months apart. Christine walked out on her marriage hoping that it would light a fire under her husband. What did it do instead? It lit a fire within herself to go inward and be accountable to herself and her family for how she was showing up in her marriage. She shares about open conversations, expectations (this one gave me a gut punch), verbal warfare, and ultimately forgiveness. Lots of amazing insight that will hopefully get you thinking about how you're showing up to yourself first and foremost and in your relationships.

Christine Lavulo is a speaker, trainer and writer, who is passionate about helping people create their most beautiful lives. Relationships are the key to fulfillment, and the most important relationship is the one with ourselves. As Christine helps people take 100% responsibility for their lives, she empowers them to improve all their relationships and enhance their lives. Christine has an extensive toolbelt she uses with her clients to inspire, motivate and empower them. She has worked with Jack Canfield and is a certified Success Principles Coach and Trainer, she is a member of the John Maxwell Team, and is a certified Ideal Life Vision Coach. All success starts on a personal level and then extends to a business level, and Christine loves working with individuals and organizations to help them learn, grow and achieve their dreams. Learn more about Christine on her website.

This episode is sponsored by my free 30 Day Self Love Commitment. We talked about accountability a lot in this episode. Are you ready to be accountable to yourself?