Money - Did you hear yet??? Transitions Podcast went global today with a beautiful conversation with Alaine Bradbury, a real estate investor in the UK. Alaine shares her transition from enjoying and playing in her 20's to encouragement from others to find a man that would take care of her (you know, because that is the only way to have security as a woman...insert HUGE GAH, here). She realized quickly that she was fully capable of fulfilling her own dreams and took matters into her own hands. She is on a mission to inspire other women to take the leap to financial independence on their own and to know that they are fully capable of following their own dreams. You can learn more about Alaine on her website Alaine Bradbury where you can find all of her links to her social media profile. 

Here's her bio:
I'm 36, a mum and a business owner. 

In the past I've worked for a corporation helping people to buy and rent houses in the UK, and after years of helping others, I finally asked myself the question, why am i not doing this for myself? 

I had a preconception that I couldn't, basically because I had not stumbled across a woman doing it and because I had been conditioned to believe that I should wait to buy a house with my husband. It seemed odd that the ethos of my work and personal life where so different. 

So i worked on a few of my beliefs and bought my first investment property! Wow, validation at last! Now I have a business helping other investors buy houses. I'm keen to shout out to other women who perhaps have the barriers that I did stopping them from taking the leap to financial independence.

This episode is sponsored by my Free 30 Day Self Love Commitment. Learn real self love as you are going after your future!