Money: Today's episode may give you the permission to accept yourself as you are when it comes to your work history. Join the conversation with Shauna Miller as she shares her story of transitions with jobs and business ventures. Shauna realized in 2019 that she was not meant to fit the box of one career, but instead, chose to experience multiple jobs throughout her life. She also realized that she has honored herself in every business/work opportunity by not jeopardizing her health or her happiness because of the job.

Shauna's message is one of non-judgement of yourself as you take the time (and possibly multiple careers) to discover your own gifts. She also realized that all of her jobs taught her many skills and lessons and she because of them, she is able to offer her services as a consultant at SM Consulting honoring and loving her clients exactly where they are in their business and encouraging them to take one step every day towards your dreams. What nuggets are you going to learn from today?