Today we talk bout love and Human Design. Wow, we are just touching the surface of how these two can play together. Join Celeste, Stefanie, Kristina and Janice as we talk about our experiences of relationships and how Human Design plays into it all. We admit, the first part we dive in a little deeper than we thought we would by talking about gates and traits, so don't worry if it feels overwhelming to you if you're new to Human Design. We bring it all together around the 15:00 minute mark (thank to our HD newbie, Janice). The common theme is having awareness is key.  Human Design is simply a tool to give yourself permission to accept and love yourself. Be aware and live our lives with so much less stress and triggers. 

Key takeaways from the episode:

Prince charming is the Manifestor, Cinderella is the Projector. He proclaimed he was heading out to find love and she waited for the perfect invitation. Love and the Types:Manifestor - Initiate in the relationship. They desire freedom in the relationship. Projector - Wait for the invitation, don't be the "chaser"Generator - Checking in with sacral and wait to respond. Ask them yes/no questions. Reflector - You will triggers people, showing them all sides of themselves. Societal programming. Poor Projector men that are taught to initiate and Manifestor woman are taught to be chased when they should be the one initiating.  

What is Human Design Delight? We are bringing you a collaboration with women from each of the design types. Prepare yourself to receive episodes about life, relationships, business, Human Design and Gene Keys, and personal empowerment. Not every episode will be about human design; however, every episode we will show up in our designs because there's no getting around it. We believe there are many valuable tools that assist us in accepting and loving ourselves, and Human Design is one of them. We also are passionate about each of us living authentically and sharing our unique gifts with the world.  We're not 100% sure where this journey will take us, but we are 100% confident that we will show up weekly transparently and authentically, with conversations that matter to you. We look forward to you joining us on this journey!

Meet the team:
Janice Formichella - Projector IG: @janiceformichella
Kristina Michaelis - Manifestor IG: kristina.michaelis_cooking
Celeste Anderson - Reflector IG: @motheringhealing
Stefanie Joseph - Generator IG: @stefanie_soulalignedservices
Socary Rodriquez - Manifesting Generator IG: @socaryrodriquez

Additionally, we invite you to collaborate with us in our free Facebook Community, The Courtyard or feel free to connect with us individually on Instagram.