Previous Episode: Black Sheep Are People, Too!
Next Episode: What Would You Do?

There's no disagreement that there are some truly offensive things in life...war, death, famine, poverty, racism, injustice, etc.  There's also not much disagreement that there are things that are offensive to some of us but not others.
This isn't what we're talking about.
We're talking about choosing to be offended at everything!
You know, those folks who take EVERYTHING personally, view EVERYTHING as an attack on them... the Debbie Downers and Paulie PartyPoopers.
Chronic "offendedness" like that is often a sign of deep seeded insecurity in the chronically offended.
Choose to live joyfully.
Choose to express gratitude.
Choose to let things go.
Choosing to be offended is a guaranteed way to drive away those close to you.
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Thanks for visiting and have a fantastic day, rockstar.  Remember… it is what it is and the next stop is anywhere you decide it to be.

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