Everyone Has A Story
From the beginning of time, stories have been at the center of the human experience.  Even before man could talk we've shared stories.  Cave paintings, fables, parables, art, song...all of these and so many more allow us to express our unique stories in unique ways.
Your story is just as unique as you are yet parts of your story are the stories of thousands of other people.  Your challenges, your successes, your failures...they make you uniquely you yet allow you to connect with others.
What's your story? 
For every person that shares their story, there are hundreds more who wish they had half the courage as the one sharing their story.
You owe it to the world to share your story.
Today's sponsor: The MMB60 Total Transformation Program.  Give us 60 days and we'll totally transform your health, your life, and your financial situation.  Click this link for more information, connect with me, and join my team.
As always, connect with us on Twitter or Facebook and be sure to visit Transforming Monday for the latest.

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