Every once in a while in our house both kids will find other places to be on a weekend night.  This last Friday was one such occasion.
While sitting at the bar at Bahama Breeze waiting for our table, we struck up a conversation with the couple next to us.  Turns out the husband was Shawn Seipler, CEO of CleanTheWorld.org.
It's pretty impressive what his organization does.  What's more impressive is his story of success to failure to success, a story Shawn will be sharing on a future episode.
Had we decided to go to a table when our buzzer buzzed, we never would have met them and heard their amazing story.
Don't be afraid to sit at the bar once in a while... you never know who you'll meet.
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Thanks for visiting and have a fantastic day, rockstar.  Remember… it is what it is and the next stop is anywhere you decide it to be.

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