There’s a lot of talk about saving the planet by stopping beef and other meat production. I agree that beef animals should be moved to grass, and away from feed lots and soybean in the feed. The cows are farting methane because they are fed beans, not grass. (Raised the right way on grass can improve the environment and keep carbon in the soil. This means raising larger herds and moving them so that they don’t return to the same place for thirty days.)

In the Netherlands, 3000 food-producing dairy and beef operations have just been forcibly closed in the name of saving the environment. These are places that produced FOOD! This will probably happen here next.

Meanwhile, private jets have not yet been banned for anyone, much less the rich.

Our leaders worldwide are still flying jets to environmental conferences in foreign climes (in a very public way, in case you didn’t realize that all these lockdown rules to save the environment are meant for YOU, not them.) They couldn’t have had an online summit instead of going to Dubai or (for real) to Fiji, an island far away in the South Pacific?

And what happens when everyone is on a “plant based” diet? There are real vitamins (A, D, E) and minerals (zinc for immunity) in animal meat and fats, and eating those help us absorb other vitamins from vegetables and fruits. I can guess that we would all be sick and weak (because the immune system also benefits from fat), and doing our very best imitation of a medieval peasant - scrawny, weak, shuffling.

And you can only have children if you can eat enough fat to tell your body that food is plentiful– that it is safe for the fetus to actually get pregnant.

Please reject these plans to stop our food production on purpose, and move us to a menu (if you can call it that) of cloned beef “meat” or insects or no protein at all (white flour soup for the Medieval peasants!).

Please especially reject these plans in the name of helping the environment. When I see everyone stopping private jet travel and even private planes, then at least I will know that those rich and leaders are at least cognizant of the real problem.



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