Learn about the herbal medicine properties and reputed herbal actions of this common cooking herb, Rosemary. The Genus species is Rosmarinus officinalis, literally "rose of the sea." (I say it wrong in the audio) This mediterranean herb is held to have these herbal actions or properties: strong anti-oxidant (counteracts free radicals), brain and memory tonic, mild stimulant, relaxing to the nerves (nervine), sedating, pain-relieving, and anti-gas (carminative). Basic instructions are given for making a mild infusion or tea.

From Diana Sproul of www.TransformHealth.Biz, a nutritionist, holistic health coach and herbalist. Please Share this video with others, and *Subscribe to this channel for more health, nutrition, and herbal videos. 

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This information is intended for general educational use only. If you have a health condition, please contact your medical professional before adding herbal medicine to your regimen.