What is Plant Spirit Medicine? Join herbalist and nutritionist Diana Sproul as she presents plant spirit medicine as explained in Eliot Cowan's book of the same name. Plants, trees, rain, lightning and the Chinese elements (like water, metal, earth) are each represented by a consciousness. These may appear through meditation or dreaming in human, animal, insect or other form. Healing an imbalance or lack of a certain element in a person’s spiritual make-up and life can help a person become well and whole again without addressing the illness itself. The author says that is ordinary, and that all of us can learn to do what he does. Author Eliot Cowan does training at the Blue Deer Center in New York state. This lecture is Part 4 of 4 parts. Please watch the series on the Transform Health LibSynPodcasts Channel [http://directory.libsyn.com/shows/view/id/transformhealth
] or You Tube channel: http://youtube.com/c/TransformhealthBiz

**Transcription/Summary/Description with times is below.

**Links to All Four Lecture Parts:

Plant Spirit Medicine Lecture Part 1 - https://youtu.be/14YWgBvP8RM Plant Spirit Medicine Lecture Part 2 - https://youtu.be/KygNGi0Giu8 Plant Spirit Medicine Lecture Part 3 - https://youtu.be/5juLkeAQnq0 Plant Spirit Medicine Lecture Part 4 - https://youtu.be/Y84ifOKKKS4

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**Transcription/Summary with Times:**

0:00 Question posed: Does an herbal tea help me physically or spiritually? Use herbs to brew tea twice, and acknowledge what they give to us.

0:45 Plants are highly adaptable to environmental changes, even to eating foods that they don’t normally eat.

1:35 Herbs in herbal medicine may have 10-20 beneficial qualities

1:40 Plantain major herb- may have 4000-5000 beneficial qualities! Don’t use singly as an isolate. Use as a complete package from the whole plant to benefit the most. Allantoin, a constituent in Plantain major.

2:45 Ayahuasca herb, tobacco is sacred, another person’s experience taking Ayahuasca herb which means “vine of the soul.”

3:08 Author took Ayahuasca herb and saw multiple deaths in reincarnation

3:47 My view of night terrors in children

4:20 Another person’s experience taking Ayahuasca herb - He met the plant spirit personally. He can feel the plants now.

5:52 - His intention while taking it. He was warned not to take again by Mother Ayahuasca. He had a past life experience.

6:55 Another person tries hallucinagenic mushrooms, and warned not to take them. He was pointed to a meditation group instead.

8:37 Plant almost calling to an herbal teacher - have consciousness.

9:25 Author Carlos Castaneda mentioned, try his books (“Becoming the Apprentice” and “Learning Shamanism First Hand”). He learned from shamans and wrote about it for an anthropology project. He kept asking Western oriented questions. Author Villanovo also mentioned.


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