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Trance Formation Podcast

81 episodes - English - Latest episode: 7 months ago -

I am a 30 year US Government Whistleblower on Deep State/New World Order MK Ultra mind control human trafficking, and healing from it. Truth Makes U.S. Free!

Politics News cathy o'brien mark phillips mk ultra
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Face Facts

March 08, 2021 18:00 - 10 minutes - 6.98 MB

Masks used for mind control purposes is not new. It’s time we wake up and face facts that mind control masked as a virus has been deliberately unleashed on the world as a mechanism to Reset global finances, allegiances, our thoughts, and ultimately our actions. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Brien books at:

One Light of Truth

February 14, 2021 22:00 - 4 minutes - 3.48 MB

Positive change seems as slow to emerge as the awareness of truth that inspires it. Negative change appears to happen at warp speed, perpetuated by trauma and our resultant freeze-in- fear reaction.  Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Brien books at:

Common Senses

January 21, 2021 23:00 - 5 minutes - 4.16 MB

It is common sense that our physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and feel are sacred. Yet we have allowed our sacred senses-common sense included-to be eroded by mind control masked as a virus.  Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Brien books at:

Choice is Yours

January 10, 2021 23:00 - 5 minutes - 3.87 MB

Choose to live your freedom. Take off your mask in order to exercise your voice with those around you- eye to eye, heart to heart, and soul to soul again. Choice is yours. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Brien books at:

Arm Yourself with Truth

January 09, 2021 20:00 - 5 minutes - 4.11 MB

I know from experience that these dark perpeTraitors are not like us, do not like us, and do not think like us. They are limited in their thinking to a formula of control that is easily overcome by Truth. Wisdom outthinks a criminal mind ever time, and wisdom comes through knowledge. Now more than ever, we must arm ourselves and each other with Truth in order to effectively reclaim personal and national sovereignty. Read full article at:

What We Can Do

December 22, 2020 16:00 - 8 minutes - 5.93 MB

In order to reclaim national sovereignty, we must first reclaim our personal sovereignty. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:


November 30, 2020 23:00 - 8 minutes - 5.58 MB

PerpeTraitors of the Coup ARE Big Government who have slowly taken control of our personal and national sovereignty ever since the Kennedy Assassination. It is up to We-the-People to Undo the Coup and Stop the Steal of our Elections and freedom.... Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Are You Aware?

November 23, 2020 20:00 - 6 minutes - 4.54 MB

Forced deep in the Wash DC swamp with perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control, I learned their inner operations and plans.   Now that I have reclaimed free thought self-control through methods detailed in PTSD: Time to Heal, I clearly see how their New World Order coup is being orchestrated today through their global mind control agenda. Read the article: Buy Cathy O'Brien books at:

UnRig Elections

November 05, 2020 23:00 - 6 minutes - 4.19 MB

It is time to gather strength of spirit, turn prayer into action, and take a stand to stop this handful of perpeTraitors from stealing your vote.  Make your vote count while you can still think to do so! Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Briens books at:

Pedophile Agenda

October 23, 2020 20:00 - 9 minutes - 6.68 MB

I gained much insight into the pedophile agenda while forced into the swamp with perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control.  Abuse prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming is considered the prime basis for mind control, which is a major component of their New World Order agenda. In turn, mind control is consistent with human trafficking, which is their primary funding mechanism for implementing what Adolph Hitler first termed... Read the full article at: https://trance-formatio...

Above The Storm

October 14, 2020 22:00 - 7 minutes - 5.15 MB

The more you know, the more you see. The View from the Top is Bright! Read the full article at: Buy Cathy O'Brien books

For Reasons of National Security

October 10, 2020 13:00 - 6 minutes - 4.75 MB

The unconstitutional National Security Act has been abused for decades to criminal government activities such as human trafficking. This must be stopped.... Originally published on September 24, 2019 Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

The Great Unmasking

September 10, 2020 21:00 - 5 minutes - 4.11 MB

Masks are an obvious mind control device, those in the know on MK Ultra recognized the mask as a signifier of robotic programming that they believed prohibited the victim from ever having the ability to think to talk. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Free At Last!

September 05, 2020 22:00 - 7 minutes - 4.99 MB

Seeing the negative of my past turned into a positive that helps others is uplifting and empowering. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Take a Stand for Sports

September 01, 2020 22:00 - 5 minutes - 3.88 MB

Mind control is prevalent in all Major League sports, from baseball to the Olympics. Until we address this harsh reality, sports players will continue to “Take a Knee” to their handlers. Read full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Tri-Partisan Will TRY Anything!

August 24, 2020 14:00 - 6 minutes - 4.57 MB

How many Republicans have stood by u.s. and our sacred Constitutional values like our elected President has? How many old-school Democrats are among the Silenced Majority?  How many of Trump’s inner circle/Cabinet have been Locked Up without Just cause while We-the-People have been Locked Down? Read full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Silenced Majority

August 21, 2020 22:00 - 8 minutes - 5.58 MB

Securing elections 2020 poses a challenge unlike anything our country has ever faced before. It requires waking up from mind control’s fearful compliance that gripped our nation masked as COVID-19. Read full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Clintons & Cloning

August 13, 2020 20:00 - 6 minutes - 4.52 MB

It's time to stop letting superstition take over where knowledge leaves off. Empower your self with knowledge, and be ever vigilant. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Rise and Shine!

August 06, 2020 19:00 - 8 minutes - 6.09 MB

Time to Rise and Shine! It is up to each and every one of u.s. to rise - no one else can Wake Up for us. Alarms have been ringing, yet many are hitting the proverbial snooze button and reaching for their sleep mask rather than rise.   Time is running out, because the longer we succumb to darkness and sleep through it, the more entrenched New World Order controls become until night turns to daze.  Read full article at: Buy Cathy's books at: htt...

Epstein Island and the Deep State Roots of Human Trafficking

August 02, 2020 21:00 - 4 minutes - 3.24 MB

For over 30 years I’ve been blowing the whistle on ties to Epstein, human and drug trafficking, MK Ultra mind control, and the subversive Deep State agenda. Originally published on July 22nd, 2019. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Integrity of Memory

July 31, 2020 19:00 - 5 minutes - 3.62 MB

7 actionable steps you can use to improve your PTSD healing process. These are steps I used in healing myself, and I think you'll find great value in them. Originally published on November 26th, 2018 Read full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Dick Cheney Unmasked

July 31, 2020 19:00 - 9 minutes - 6.64 MB

A look into my past will depict a clear view of the man behind the mask. Peek at my congressional testimony on Dick Cheney before his hour glass runs out. Originally published on June 30th, 2020 Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Media's War on Truth

July 31, 2020 19:00 - 5 minutes - 3.76 MB

The mainstream media, under Deep State direction, is waging a socially engineered war on truth as part of a campaign to control citizens. Originally published on September 21st, 2019. Read the full article at: Buy Cathy's books at:

Truth is Simple. Lies are Complicated.

July 26, 2020 18:00 - 7 minutes - 5.38 MB

Lies deliberately intended to socially engineer our nation are complex and deeply rooted, and have been systematically planted into the subconscious through controlled media and education systems for decades.   Originally published on November 18th, 2018 Full article available at: Buy Cathy's books at:

2020 Vision

July 25, 2020 18:00 - 4 minutes - 3.2 MB

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and we must stay vigilant to maintain sanctity of our free thought, progress we’ve made in our communities and nation, and integrity of our votes. Originally published on January 4th, 2020. Read full article at: Buy Cathy's Books at:

Clintons, Haiti, Human Trafficking and Psych Warfare on Sexuality

July 24, 2020 23:00 - 8 minutes - 6.15 MB

Have you considered the correlation between the Clinton Foundation, World Vision, and CIA/Jesuit Black Ops in Haiti?  Or is that simply semantics for more of the same crimes against humanity perpetrated under the illusion of charity to fund a global domination agenda? Article originally published on June 15th, 2017 Read the full article here:

U.N.Due Influence

July 20, 2020 13:00 - 4 minutes - 2.81 MB

When Ronald Reagan was covertly influenced, mind controls sliding scale slid all the way to the most powerful office in the United States. Read full article at:

Follow the Roots

July 16, 2020 21:00 - 12 minutes - 9.02 MB

This overview history of criminal infiltration barely scratches the surface on how deeply swamp roots of corruption have been planted throughout our society. As people wake up to “news” of what has been going on in our world, it is imperative we dig deep enough to fully uproot corruption. Read full article at: Show Notes: Von Raab Article - Aug 1, 1989 - "Von Raab Departs, Blasting Bosses"

Trump: One of US?

July 15, 2020 23:00 - 4 minutes - 3.32 MB

Here's why the mainsteam media, education systems, intelligence agencies, and justice system fear him. Is President Donald Trump one of US? Read the full article at:

Clintons, Haiti, & Swamp Roots of Adrenochrome?

July 06, 2020 23:00 - 8 minutes - 5.98 MB

The fall of Haiti had little to do with Haitians, and a lot to do with New Word Order perpetraitors intent on developing a prototype for control. Read the full transcript at:


June 25, 2020 21:00 - 5 minutes - 3.78 MB

Are you feeling adverse effects of controlled media’s deliberate onslaught of lies and negativity? Give yourself Time to rejuvenate. Walk your dog, walk in nature away from your cell phone and TV. Consciously breathe in the fresh air and slow down. Think, rather than talk or listen to music. Choose your thoughts, gently redirecting them away from dark rabbit holes of repetitive negative narrative. Remind yourself that everything in this life is temporary.   Rise above the storm for a ...