A recent study showed that men 65-75 had fitness success by playing recreational soccer.

Older folks don't always get into traditional fitness programs (jogging or gym), so soccer is a wonderful alternative.

Playing soccer helps with overall fitness. It improves bone density and muscle mass. It's great for endurance and cardio health.

More importantly, having fitness buddies helps keep you on track. The men from the study continued playing with the same people a few years after the study ended.

For these silver foxes, it was more about fun than it was about winning. Teams would swap players so no one would always be on the lowest-scoring team. Recreational soccer was so popular with these fellows that there were always willing participants on the bench. If a player on the field got tired, one of the men from the bench would tag in for him.

Dr. John Higgins joins host Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how recreational soccer is great for fitness in aging folks.