Mario Kart 8's live jazz band ensured that Train Station at 8 would be dedicating an episode to the series. Composer (and Mario Kart remixer) Christophe Blondel agreed that this would be a swell idea and here is the result!

Mario Kart 8's live jazz band ensured that Train Station at 8 would be dedicating an episode to the series. Composer (and Mario Kart remixer) Christophe Blondel-- also known as CarboHydroM-- agreed that this would be a swell idea and here is the result!

You're more than welcome to follow Christophe on Twitter (CarboHydroM). Visit his lovely official website to learn more about him and download a bunch of super cool music at his other lovely website.

How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter and subscribing on iTunes, or maybe send an email to [email protected]. Hearing from you would make our collective day!

The 8 Questions. Give us your answers, too, so we can talk and stuff!

1. What have you been listening to?
2. What’s your history with Mario Kart?
3. What do you like about Mario Kart music?
4. What do you not like about Mario Kart music?
5. What’s your personal favorite Mario Kart soundtrack?
6. What makes you notice the music in Mario Kart while playing, and how noticeable do you think it should be?
7. What’s something you’d like to see Mario Kart music try that it hasn’t yet?
8. What have you been working on?

Music used in this episode:

KK Podcasting (Train Station at 8 Theme) - Bryan KellyPlanetarium - CarboHydroMStrike the Earth! (Plains of Passage) - Jake KaufmanA Thousand Leagues Below (Iron Whales) - Manami MatsumaeLa Danse Macabre (Lich Yard) - Jake KaufmanFighting With All Our Might - Jake KaufmanCharacter Select (Super Mario Kart) - Soyo OkaTitle Screen (Mario Kart 8) - Shiho Fuji / Atsuko Asahi / Ryo Magamatsu / Yasuaki IwataBaby Park - Shinobu Tanaka / Kenta NegataKoopa Beach - Soyo OkaMoo Moo Meadows - Shiho Fuji / Atsuko Asahi / Ryo Magamatsu / Yasuaki IwataBowser's Castle - Kenichi Nishimaki / Masanobu Matsunaga / Minako HamanoMount Wario - Shiho Fuji / Atsuko Asahi / Ryo Magamatsu / Yasuaki Iwata

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