Barbara Brooks is the CEO and founder of SecondActWomen with an award-winning marketing career in shopping centers/mixed-use developments and media sales. Guadalupe Hirt is the co-founder of SecondActWomen, a pro-aging female advocate, speaker, author, and entrepreneur. SecondActWomen was founded in 2018 to combat gendered ageism as more women are being aged out of the corporate community and overlooked in entrepreneurial circles. In this episode, they share their experiences reentering the workforce as women over 40/50 and how it led to the birth of the Second Act Women.  Listen in to learn how to own your age as a 50+ woman, educate yourself, and appreciate the value you bring to the workforce. You will also learn the importance of daily self-care and reminding yourself of your worth and value at any age.

Key Takeaways:

How to own your age and educate yourself to be ready for the workforce as a woman 50+ The importance of having a friendship with your business partner to be successful Appreciate the value of the woman you are as you age, and don’t underestimate yourself Start taking care of yourself daily and do what you want on your terms Take an assessment of your soft and hard skills and consistently remind yourself of your worth