Marie Clarke is the Vice President of Global Programs at Women for Women International. She previously served as ActionAid USA’s Executive Director and a member of various global leadership bodies for the ActionAid International Federation. She has over twenty years of experience in global development, human rights, and economic justice. In this episode, Marie talks about the transformative programs they have at Women for Women that are transforming and empowering underprivileged women. Listen in to learn how Women for Women has socially and economically empowered women in deeply marginalized places. You will also learn how you can invest in transformative programs and sponsor women from deeply marginalized places.

Key Takeaways:

How women can transform their communities by building meaningful working relationships How you can sponsor and support women from underprivileged countries with your solidarity Be part of building the world by getting involved and investing in transformative programs Consider welcoming women refugees into your community and engaging with organizations