Captain Michael Abrashoff is a naval commander, NY Times best-selling author, leadership and teamwork expert, and keynote speaker. He became Commander of USS Benfold and was the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific fleet at just 36 years. He has worked with over 1200 organizations instilling leadership initiatives at every level since leaving the navy. In this episode, Michael talks about the leadership lessons he learned in the navy and how to apply them. Listen in to learn the importance of leading with humility to encourage unity and high performance within an organization. You will also learn why treating your employees fairly and with dignity will drive them to become your greatest ambassadors when it comes to recruiting.

Key Takeaways:

The importance of connecting with your employees for them to feel responsible and accountable for the results The power of social media and your current employees in recruiting How to lead with a sense of humility to get your organization to higher performance Learn to be adaptable and make the rules work for you and your team Give your employees a voice and accountability for them to take ownership of the results