Patty Lynn Wyatt – What would you do if someone walked into the room you were in with a gun and said, “I’m going to kill you all.” That is exactly what happened to Patty and this was the pivotal moment that completely changed her purpose and gave her a passion and direction for her life. Patty Lynn is a highly sought-after professional speaker, business coach, and radio show host. Listen in to learn the importance of being self-aware and getting out of your comfort zone to pursue your passion. You will also learn the importance of listening to understand and networking to create a successful brand.

Key Takeaways:

How to use a crisis to choose to be better and to shift your life Learn to be self-aware in life and to develop a passion for something that impacts others How to get out of your comfort zone and prepare for the battle of life How to invest in yourself by journaling, visualizing your future, and affirming things in your life Learn to just do it without expecting the beginning to be perfect How to be a successful podcaster staying true to your brand and finding a reason to impact others