Crystal Oakes gives us some of the best advice ever on branding your product, media, or whatever your business creates. The brand is the corporate soul. It is the overall personality and presence of the business. The key question to answer is “What’s the one thing you want to be known for as an organization?” And then lets you know how to find the answer. In this episode, Crystal teaches in detail the meaning of branding and how to build a successful and memorable brand. Listen in to learn the importance of building a brand that completely relates to your customers and ideal customers for it to be successful. You will also learn the difference and relationship between personal branding and organizational branding.

Key Takeaways:

The importance of having a brand that your customers can find themselves in How to shift your mindset and understand who your brand is How to communicate your brand’s message through the visual elements you put out there The importance of giving your company a face by building your personal brand Understanding the relationship between personal branding and organizational branding