Do you have an estate plan and a contingency plan in place? Mary Beth Simon is a contingency plan guide who will help us understand the benefits of having both an estate and a contingency plan in place before any life storm.  

Mary Beth Simón is a speaker, contingency plan guide, strategic planner, and the founder of NPC. She helps entrepreneurs and professionals create contingency plans and strategies at the best time - when life is good.

She explains the importance of every adult having some version of an estate plan and a contingency plan in place. Listen in to learn the most important steps to focus on when getting started with contingency planning.

Key Takeaways:

How to identify your second in command – someone you trust to give your power of attorney How to create an online or physical password management system Have a current estate plan in place and be intentional in updating the documents Get to work with a cheerleader to help you see the value you bring as a woman over 60 Be patient, open, and flexible to start noticing traction in your business as a new entrepreneur