Deepa Sarojammal is the CEO of Reflections, an organization established in 1999 by a veteran team from Accenture. She has 23 years of experience working in Fortune 500 organizations improving their IT services. In her last position, she grew business units by more than 500% over five years, helping deliver quality IT services at scale. In this episode, Deepa shares her career journey as a woman in tech and how Reflections is helping small and medium-sized companies upgrade their technology.

Listen in to learn why automation is the future of technology and how it will impact businesses and job opportunities. You will also understand the importance of introducing technology to students early to expand the tech industry.

Key Takeaways:

How not to be afraid of taking hard tasks and take the opportunity to learn Make technology a differentiator to connect you to the consumer and pivot during a crisis The importance of finding collaborators to help take your tech business to the next level How to start teaching students technology at an early age to pique their interest How to get customer visibility with technology during the pandemic The importance of finding a mentor to help guide you in your tech career