Jessica Rhodes, the Queen of Podcasting  is here with us. If you don't know Jessica, she is the founder and CEO of Interview Connections, the premier source for booking outstanding podcast guests. Jessica outlines why creating your own podcast will generate more traffic and leads for your small business.
This episode has a lot of great info you can use to get started if the idea is new to you, and resources for improving your existing content and streamlining your process. Listen in!

* The power of podcasting and what it can do for a small business.
* How an entrepreneur would define a podcast.
* How podcasting can generate traffic and leads for your business.
* The costs involved in producing your own podcast.
* Elements of a good podcast and how to package it in a way that will attract your audience.
* The different options for recording your podcast.
* Why you should consider outsourcing for your post-production needs.
* Why you need a separate host for your podcast.
* What do to if your customers don't know what a podcast is or aren't tech savvy.
* Why having a podcast can make you more marketable as a guest on another podcast.
* Why new media is where you should be marketing your business.
* Reasons to use a booking agent for your PR and promotion and a trick to use if you are just getting started and more!