Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Today, She is talking about LinkedIn information that’s useful for everyone to know—from beginner steps to advanced things you can be doing to improve your overall experience while getting your foundation set-up. Everything that I’m about to share with you is information that people will offer in a course, so make sure you tune in and save yourself some money. so, let’s get started!

* The number thing you have to know when beginning your journey on LinkedIn is your plan. You need to establish why you’re on LinkedIn—to generate more leads, to drive traffic to your website, to increase the content you share, to establish yourself as an expert in your field of business. Once you nail down what you’re trying to do, the campaign you’re running can be a lot more tailored to those needs, and you’ll find success quicker and easier.
* However, if you’re not actively running a LinkedIn campaign, there’s still good news. To find true success on LinkedIn, make sure you’re spending a minimum of 20 minutes a week on your account. Reach out and make connections and relationships with people, make good comments on other people’s posts, and try to be helpful without asking for anything that. Those are the perfect blend for success. Additionally, where we usually need some level of automation for our businesses to grow, that technique tends to fall flat on LinkedIn. It’s more about one on one connections, trying to help people, and creating interesting content.
* It’s also very important to have an updated LinkedIn profile. You need to have a photo of yourself, you need to create a decent headline that’s interesting, and you want to make sure your biography is filled out (make sure you’re talking in the third person in your biography, so people who want to work with you can learn more about you). It’s important to remember that most people who want to work with you will probably see your LinkedIn profile before they see your website.
* Another thing you can be doing is giving and receiving endorsements and recommendations. When your time is spent giving positivity and praise to other people, many of them will return the favor. You don’t have to lie, or be outlandish—just be genuine and true with your statements, and that’s where the results are.
* With your profile set up, you’ll want to make sure that you claim a custom URL. LinkedIn will give you this option under their settings, and so long as the URL you want is available, you can make yourself much more easily accessible. This URL also looks much nicer in search engine results, and it allows a better chance for your profile to appear on the first place of search results when people Google your name.
* Another strong tip you should be taking is using LinkedIn Pulse. It’s LinkedIn’s version of a blogging platform, and everyone who has a profile has access to LinkedIn Pulse. The best way to utilize this power is by making a blog post on your blog website, and let it marinate for about week. Then, a week later, you can take that blog post and do one of two things: 1) you can copy the entire blog post, paste it onto LinkedIn Pulse, and attach the original article link, or 2) you can take half of the blog post, make sure to stop at a time where the content seems extremely interesting, and include the link at the end to make people finish reading the article on your website. And, before you worry, these methods have not fallen prey to the duplicate content penalty that Google likes to swing down.
* Additionally, every time you post on LinkedIn Pulse,