Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Today, She is talking about The CLICK Technique, ( a five-day crash course of her own invention that teaches business owners how to get on top of their game if their website isn’t generating the traffic they need. Each letter in the word “CLICK” stands for a different step needed to complete the circle, and our steps today will be focused on the letter “L”, for land. So, let’s get started!

* A quick refresher on The CLICK Technique! As stated above, it’s a free invention of my own design that’s made to help business owners kick-start their online marketing. For what we talk about today, we’re really focused on the letter “L”, which stands for land. When preparing a landing page, you need to make sure you’ve got the following seven steps in mind!
* Step 1: Google Analytics. I know, among other things, Google Analytics can be extremely overwhelming and be trying to figure out something that complicated doesn’t always fit into your schedule. However, it doesn’t matter if you’re never going to look at them—you need to have it installed on all of your websites. By creating an account, you can receive a free piece of code that you insert into the header of your website. Once that’s done, Google will begin to track everything about the people that visit your website—where they came from, how long they stayed, and so on. (If you need help installing Analytics, there’s a mini training with The CLICK Technique!)
* Step 2: You must have a pixel installed on your website! I’ve talked about this before in a previous podcast, but I cannot stress just how important a pixel it. By signing up for a Facebook Business Manager account, you can walk through the steps and generate a code for a Facebook Pixel that you can install on your website. What this does is not only enable you to reach out to people who’ve visited your website recently, but it also lets you start tracking people. With this warm audience already generated, you know who to target when you start doing advertisements!
* Step 3: Your website must be mobile friendly! In this day and age, over 75% of people who visit your website for the first time will be doing so from a mobile device. Therefore, if your website doesn’t translate well to a smartphone or an iPad, people will instantly click away due to inaccessibility. Additionally, Google is now dedicating a whole portion of their search engine index and principles to go around mobile-friendly search. It’s very important that your website is mobile friendly, and Google can provide an answer to if your website is considered mobile friendly. Overall, you’re losing customers if you don’t, so it’s well worth the investment.
* Number 4: Make sure your website looks good. In this day and age of sites like WordPress, SquareSpace, and Wicks, there is no reason for your website to look like trash. It needs to look professional with fonts and pictures, and you should sit down and spend time on the copy. After all, if you’re going to go through the trouble of having a website that people will go to, then you need to put thought and time into it.
* Number 5: Make sure you’ve got excellent speed on your website. By using a tool called Pingdom tools, you can check how your website stacks against all the websites on the web in terms of how fast it loads. Through this test, you can also receive a list of things you can fix to improve your website speed. This is important for a lot of reasons,