Justin Christianson (http://conversionfanatics.com/) is our special guest on today's episode of traffic and leads podcast? He’s been in the business of digital marketing for 13 years and he is a #1 best selling author. Talk about being a man with some awesome credentials under your belt! Oh, did I forget to mention that he is the president of the company Conversion Fanatic (http://conversionfanatics.com/), which is a full service conversion rate optimization company?
Justin shares with us everything he knows about conversions and why it is important that we don’t let our conversion rates fall to the wayside.

* Why you need to split test in order to get the most conversions.
* What is a conversion?
* What are Justin’s top 5 conversion secrets.
* Why you should always tell consumers what the benefit is your product.
* Where you should place the benefits of your product on your website.
* Why you should follow the 5 second rule when designing your webpage.
* What is social proof and why you need to pay close attention to it.
* Why you need a decent traffic rate in order to get the conversions that you’re looking for.
* Which case study best exemplifies how some changes can drive conversions.
* How simple little changes can drive more conversions.
* What tools Justin prefers to use to track conversions.
* Why it is very important to pay attention to what your customers do on your website.
* Justin gives pinpoint examples how paying attention to the activity can enhance traffic.
* Why you should want to have heat maps or click maps on your landing page.
* Why if you test anything, make sure you always test the headline.
* How to make the most out of your headline to get your consumer’s attention.
* Why copywriting is very important for your business.
* How message market or traffic message mismatch affects consumers opting in.
* Why it is important to make sure your landing page directs consumers to appropriate information.
* The look of your page matters, from the color of the background to the text on the buttons.
* Why there no small detail when it comes to maximizing the results with AB testing.
* Discover what kind of traffic Justin prefers to convert and why.