Ryan Stewman (https://ryanstewman.com/) is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast (http://trafficandleadspodcast.com). He has built an incredible piece of software called PhoneSites (https://phonesites.com/), which completely revolutionizes the way we can build and create funnels and landing pages. Not only that, but Ryan has some incredible perspectives on mindset and what it takes to attain success.

* All about PhoneSites. PhoneSites is an incredible piece of software that allows you to build sales funnels and landing pages using your phone. Ryan says in the simplest terms, it’s the fastest way you can go about creating a website! iOS, Android—if your flip phone has a screen, you can make something amazing with their software!
* Who PhoneSites is geared toward. Other websites like ClickFunnels and LeadPages have become more complicated over time. Once upon a time, they were much simpler, but now they’re geared more toward Internet marketers than the average person could use. Specifically, Ryan says their primary target audience is salespeople or small business owners who are looking to create successful funnels without having to spend hours and hours on training.
* What you can do with phone sites. PhoneSites connects with any CRM you have such as Aweber, MailChimp, and so on. Through any of their templates, you can create a funnel that will allow you to collect emails and generate leads. Not only that but if you are familiar with HTML, you can edit the HTML of your funnels and pages to be and do anything you want! Best of all? As of 11/1/2018, it’s only $47 a month—a fraction of the cost of other software like it!
* Some statistics to further show just how awesome PhoneSites can be! The average conversion rate for the top ten funnels created by customers ranged between 23% and 25%. In sixth months, PhoneSites has amassed 5,001 users with 1,421 of them have already built a funnel. Client funnels have been viewed an incredible 2.5 million times and generated 39,494 leads!
* Ryan’s “Force of Average” and how to attain success. He talks about an energy in the world called the “Force of Average”, which is this idea that being average is ingrained into our minds. It’s so easy for us to be distracted and settle for being average, and the best weapon against distraction is a focus. Ryan walks us through the four steps to maintaining focus: 1) Faith (in yourself); 2) Fitness; 3) Finance; and 4) Family.