Meg Kerns ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( MOKup Media is founded by digital strategist and creative content connoisseur Meg Kerns (, MOKup Media ( helps new and established small businesses and brands thrive on social media platforms by creating engaging and unique content, building authentic followings, and creating brand awareness. Whether it’s Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, Meg and MOKup Media are here to help you get ahead!

* Who Meg is and what she does. Meg talks about her awesome services and expertise when it comes to social media monitoring and content creation and curation as well as the help that she provides to small businesses.
* How to build authentic relationships online. We’re living in a digital age, and communicating with your audience on social media is a huge part of building your brand. There are so many platforms to use and you have to know how to get your message out there in a way that sounds genuine. It’s not enough to make a few posts here and there; you have to be authentic!
* How to make your mark on Twitter. Twitter can be a bit overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, Meg says, it’s not all that scary! As long as you know the right strategies, you’ll be able to build your foundation. Not sure where to start? Try joining some twitter chats to get to know your colleagues and your followers. Meg gives us this tip and more to make sure you’re not screaming at an empty room.
* How to make automation seem authentic. You can’t be on social media every minute of the day, and that’s okay! There are scheduling tools for social media that have you covered. Meg explains how to use these tools to your advantage, as well as some other tips and tricks for making sure your posts sound like the real deal even when you aren’t there.
* How to get started on Instagram. An image-based platform, Instagram gives you the opportunity to show your followers the real you. But how do you get started? Meg talks about the importance of knowing voice and your followers, utilizing the stories feature, and giving your audience a glimpse behind the scenes.