Born in Peekskill, Darcy Parsons attended school in Buffalo before moving to New York City where she became a producer. She worked on SNL for a few years as segment producer for anything filmed outside of the show. With experience in advertising and producing Darcy eventually moved to Los Angeles and worked in commercials. She opened her own company, Brewster Parsons, which specializes in photo real visual effects, direction, design, and project management.

Darcy had invested in the stock market in the late 90's and lost $10,000. She swore she would never invest in the stock market again. Instead she dappled in real estate investment. But when Darcy met someone who knew Tyrone and recommended his class, she decided it couldn’t hurt to hear his method. She was inspired by The Wealthy Investor program because there was accountability and monthly classes to make sure that the students are current with what is happening in the market. As a creative and a visual person, she enjoys that Tyrone's method simplifies something that is so extremely complex.

Darcy went to the class for 6 months before making her first trade. She made her first trade with Ebay and made $750 on a volatility trade. She made $2,000 her first month and became a believer.

In the Wealthy Investor Program, Tyrone and his students are simultaneously both traders, taking income in off a covered call or volatility trade, and investors who build wealth by building positions on $5 buy signals. Darcy has a few long-term positions in stocks that she uses this technique to build. This basically means that when you buy shares of a stock, you wait for it to go up five dollars to prove that it’s worthy of another round of investing.

Darcy also believes that dividends are hugely important. For example, Darcy owns Macy’s stock, which has dropped, but she is still capturing the income from the dividend. She also believes that this stock is a good long-term “date” and plans to hold onto it for a while.

Greg Vojtanek grew up outside of Chicago to a middle class family. The extent of his stock market education was a 45 minute lesson in high school. Greg majored in Theater at Lewis University outside of Chicago, IL. Afterwards he moved to Los Angeles to pursue in career in acting, until he moved to NYC for love. While in New York, he first began investing in real estate. He managed a small property in PA. Since he was already interested in investing and residual income, when his sister-in-law, Julie, invited him to the Wealthy Artist program (now The Wealthy Investor Program), it seemed like a natural fit. The system clicked for Greg. He really liked that it was just simple numbers on a page; there was no brick and mortar and certainly no leaky faucets to fix. He started getting really good at covered calls and discreetly started to tell people about it. Slowly he started convincing his family to let him show them his skills. He first started an account for his 13 year-old nephew and later took on his Mom’s account. 

When Greg’s brother-in-law had a big break in Hollywood, he knew he was about to come into a lot of money that he didn’t know what to do with. Since Greg was the only guy who knew that could handle money, he asked Greg to move out to LA and work for him. So Greg moved back out to Hollywood and took over his finances by opening a trading account for him. 

Now, between managing his own trading account and his job managing others, he is financially independent. He exemplifies this with a recent experience; “I thought I had x amount of dollars in my personal account. I logged on yesterday and it was a lot more than what I thought I had. I don’t really worry about my account value because I know it’s fine. It climbed without me even knowing it.” This has allowed Greg to get back to his creative roots. He is now a writer on a new show premiering next year.

When you know you have money coming in every month from the stock market it, Greg says it is “…one less thing to worry about, and for most people that’s 50% of their worries in their life. If you can eliminate that or at least bring that down to like 10%, life becomes a lot easier.” One of the reasons Greg is still trading and taking class is because he loves helping other people, and he love’s putting other people’s minds at ease. 

If you aren’t sure if you’ll find success in the stock market, Greg says, “I have met so many walks of life in six years of working with [Tyrone] of people all over the place who figure it out. It may take some people a couple more classes than others. It doesn’t matter, that’s fine. Wherever you are in your life is where you are, that’s fine. And however long it takes you to figure out the numbers or what’s going on, that’s fine. If it takes you a couple minutes, great. If it takes you a couple weeks, great. But you are on your own pace and it is really not difficult.” 

To get started, take a few minutes to visit and download the free E-Book Trading Stocks For Wealth.