Asara Lovejoy is the Founder and President of The One Command Global Corporation Author, The One Command Berkley Publishing, Nightingale-Conant author, The One Command: Imprint Your DNA for Lasting Wealth and Happiness and The Theta Code: Activate Your Blueprint of Vital Health, and Founder The One Command Executive Success Coaching Certification program is an International seminar facilitator, coach and trainer who has brought her world renowned One Command program to over 500,000 folks around the world and counting.

Her message is simply this. “You have a greatness right within you and by directly accessing your theta brain wave you can instantly change your mind, your emotions, your genetic programs and your DNA by your command. Beloved speaker, and founder of The One Command♥ Executive Success Coaching program, Asara Lovejoy is one of the most compelling voices to emerge from the self-help and human potential arenas in decades. Worldwide, folks have responded to the new revelation in consciousness that Asara shares. She says, “You are hard-wired for success right within your brain, biology and DNA and in 6-easy steps and One Command we show you how to access that power.”

But the future didn’t always look so rosy. In The One Command programs Asara shares her ups and downs, wins and losses on her financial journey, a journey many of us have experienced. Applying the very principles she shares in her message she has turned her business into a worldwide enterprise sharing her message of possibilities as she goes.

Asara’s background includes a history of study and practice in many disciplines in our human potential. She has long been an investigator of the theta brain wave and the quantum field. Asara studied with renowned teachers in the fields of human consciousness and transformation, including seven years under the tutelage of Jack Schwarz who worked in conjunction with Dr. Elmer Green at his research center at the Langley Pointer Institute, where they studied beta, alpha, theta and delta brain wave frequencies and their effects on human health and consciousness. She mentored and taught with Paul Rebilliot through his Direct Impact Creativity program, doing trainings in Europe, Canada and the U.S. and over the years, Asara has received intensive training in quantum field theory, NLP, hypnotherapy, Psychodrama Impact Therapy, and Energy Healing.

Asara Lovejoy is an author who believes in action. She has worked tirelessly to bring her message of The One Command to the world. Starting with a turnkey book package to help promote her self-published book she has accomplished great success. The One Command is translated into Spanish, Japanese, German and Italian and Asara travels abroad to share the message of possibilities.

Visit Asara at and start on our Free Foundation Course Life at Your Command that explains how and why you are designed for greatness.