Tyrone talks stocks with students Christopher Haro, Carrie Keranen, and Randy Hernandez. 

Christopher Haro was born and raised in Los Angeles. His father worked at Boeing for over 48 years. He, himself, wanted to start working young to earn extra cash for playing video games down at the arcade. So he washed dishes and did whatever he could at his Uncle’s restaurant and he started his own little business mowing the lawns in his neighborhood.

Now, Mr. Haro is an accountant, a CPA, by trade. He had tried the stock market before the dot.com era by purchasing some options of AOL. It was a couple months before the market imploded and he lost all his money. He swore he would never invest in the stock market again. At the time he also owned real estate. He owned a rental property and his own house. His goal was to have 20 rental properties.

It is expensive to buy real estate in Los Angeles so Chris started doing his research on out of state properties. He bought property in places like Idaho and North Carolina. He figured that having five $100,000 properties would be less risky than one $500,000 property in LA where he would be at a huge loss if that one tenant didn’t pay on time.

Chris doesn't remember who turned him on to Covered Call Writing, but it was hard to believe that the money was that easy. He had started making the trades on his own but didn't have the discipline and the patience for it. As an accountant, he would simply see a loss when the stock went down instead of looking at the net positive. Now with his education from the Wealthy Investor he can see the opportunities in his trades no matter what the market does.

The best trade he made in his first year of trading was with Nike. He had bought 400 shares and kept selling covered calls. Wash, rinse, repeat. When the shares were finally bought away from him he had made $2,000 just making the same trade over and over again. Chris says that you don’t have to be good at math, it’s just coming in and doing it and learning the system and being consistent. The hardest part is the emotion and dealing with it when the market drops. Coming to class, he learns what to do when the market changes and how to benefit from it. This shifted his thought process.

Carrie Keranen is a successful working actress in the Los Angeles area. She grew up in Oak Park, Michigan, studied international business and Japanese at the University of Michigan, backpacked around Europe after college and then bought a one-way ticket to New York City. Despite her studies, Carrie couldn’t keep away from acting. Her career starts with voice over work, then flowed into theater, and eventually television and film. Carrie moved to Los Angeles after checking off the list of the things she wanted to accomplish in New York. 

When you are a working actor you have paychecks coming in from many different jobs and it forces you to have a more intimate relationship with your finances. You have to track your payments and keep your W-2’s and 1099’s organized. Sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down so you have to learn to live in the middle. When Carrie found herself in an up period she realized the worst thing she could do was just live off it and watch it go away. There had to be a way to make that money work for her to give her some semblance of control. She finally followed a friend into the Wealthy Investor Program with Tyrone Jackson.

When she first began, Carrie was terrified. But by the end of her first Wealthy Investor class, Carrie felt she understood the basic concepts. This gave her the feeling that she could eventually figure this out. 

After Carrie’s first trade, she did not have that “good” feeling. She realized that this meant she needed to check in with her negative feelings about money flowing towards her. In a way, she says that her entire first year has been about the internal journey. 

Now, Carrie loves covered calls because they reduce risk. You can guarantee you will have a return on your money every month. The hardest thing for Carrie to wrap her head around was that she could really take the money she was making trading! What has been amazing for her, is actually understanding the concepts well enough to decide for herself whether to trade an In the Money or an Out of the Money covered call. Although, she feels Out of the Money calls are sexier than the safe “grandma” In the Money calls. 

Carrie doesn’t consider herself a business person. It makes sense for her to trade companies that she understands, such as Disney (DIS) and Visa (V). Plus, having the community there for her to discuss the concepts as she is learning them is extremely helpful. She also thinks it is important to see what’s possible. Seeing where other people started and where they are now opens up her own realm of possibilities. Now, almost a year after her first class, Carrie achieved her goal of paying her rent with money from the stock market. 

During Carrie’s first class she was very tense and nervous. But then she said to herself, “Yes or no? This is either something you want to learn or it’s not something you want to learn. And if it’s something you want to learn - Learn it NOW.” 

Carrie realized early on, “This program is not about ‘I’m going to be a millionaire next week.’ This is about how to have continuous, sustainable, predictable wealth every month, out of every year, for the rest of my life and it’s starts where I’m at right now and grows from here.  And if I just keep pushing that line back next year, or next year, or next year, then it just means that I’m getting that started next year, or next year, or next year.’

Her advice to you is “Just take the next step. Don’t worry about everything and the whole big picture, just take the next step. Take it day by day. Just do what you can right now. You don’t think it’s going to make a different but it is going to make such a difference. You can’t even conceive of the ways that this is going to open up your mind, your heart, your spirit, your understanding, when you are on the fear side of it. The moment you take that first step, all those doors are going to start to open and it’s such a beautiful thing. Please, please, please do this for yourself.

Randy Hernandez is a successful model and actor who met Tyrone Jackson at an audition for an HBO Television series. He eventually signed up for Tyrone’s class, but began very slowly in the stock market. Randy says he opened his TD Ameritrade account and had money sitting in it for three months before he ever pulled the trigger on a trade. But opening that account was half the battle. 

Randy and Tyrone discuss how there is definitely a fear of failure, a fear of unknowing or not being financially educated that stops many of us from taking the leap. Anyone can make money in the stock market; you just have to have the mindset to see how it works. After making that first trade and seeing the money grow in his account, Randy made six figures in his first year of trading. 

Randy explains that the “millionaire mindset” isn’t really about having a million dollars in your account. It’s a feeling of freedom that you can have yourself, your family, and your lifestyle. You can have the power to eliminate stress and make money on your own terms. But you have to think of trading as part of your income, part of your daily lifestyle. If you treat it like that you will be responsible about it, not get greedy, and do the necessary research. 

One thing that helped Randy get past his fear was Tyrone’s format. He says that Tyrone teaches you in a way that is very safe—he always goes back to the basics no matter what is happening in the market. 

To learn these basics and more, check out what Tyrone Jackson has to offer at WITradeschool.com

Click here for more info.