Jessie Shaw grew up in Pueblo, Colorado. Her father was a jazztrombone player and also played classically with the orchestra inthe city. Her mom was a homemaker. The arts were encouraged in herhousehold and both she and her sister studied music in college.Jessie attended graduate school at the University of Iowa, then amusic conservatory in Brussels, Belgium before moving to New YorkCity. She has an undergraduate in music education, an MBA from NYUin statistics and marketing, and a Masters of Oriental Medicine.She currently practices acupuncture and Chinese medicine one day aweek and the rest of the week runs the research department for alarge business publication. This job requires a lot of quantitativestudies, and as she puts it, Jessie loves numbers. She is that rareartistic soul that views numbers just like art. 

Jessie became interested in the stock market and studied a bitbefore she stumbled across The Wealthy Investor program. She readbooks like “Stock Investing for Dummies” and still couldn’t makesense of it. It had always been a longing for her to understand itin a deeper way. When she heard about Tyrone’s class she knew itwould be perfect. 

Trading and investing in the market is an art to Jessie becauseshe feels that she is always trying to understand the essence ofthe market. It has always been rather allusive to her. Now that shehas been studying the market with Tyrone for a year, she findsherself to be working with it on two levels. First she is followingstocks and estimating where they might go next and second she isattempting to understand and have facility with the strategies fortrading the stocks.  

The first time the stock market went down after she had startedstudying with Tyrone, she felt like she was in new water with whichshe was not comfortable. However, with Tyrone’s teachings onshifting your mindset, she learned to lean into the strategy.Jessie found a fluidity in her ability to trade so that no matterwhat the market was doing she could find a level of comfort andride it through. 

Jessie likes working with DOW stocks specifically because it’snice to know that they have been around for the long-term and aregoing to continue to rise. And if something drastic is going tohappen, there will probably be some foreshadowing to it. Luckily,tracking the news in the business world is part of her job, sotracking the earnings of the companies she has invested in has comeeasily to her. It’s very interesting for her to notice thepatterns. 

Of all the strategies so far, Jessie’s favorite is writingcovered calls on stocks that pay nice dividends because its suchguaranteed income. She also appreciates selling in-the-moneycovered calls as a form of downside protection. So far, volatilitytrading has seemed to be the hardest for her, though she had a goodrun with Restoration Hardware stock lately. Her goal within thenext 24 - 36 months is to become really sharp at options trading sothat she can make bigger options purchases in the future, and enjoybigger rewards. 

Between her full time job and her creative endeavors, Jessie isable to fit in time to plan her trades on the weekends. She looksat each stock she owns and calculates the cost basis and figuresout what her strategy for the next week is going to be. That wayduring the week she is simply executing trades. 

Having this new sense of financial control, Jessie feels moreempowered as a person. There are places that she would like to takeher life and a way she would like to organize her life so that shecan pursue her creative interests with a greater amount oftime. 

Jessie says that with anything complicated, it’s better to biteit off in small chews. Do it in small chunks and anyone can getthere if you are very slow and very patient.

Her parting words of advise are “It’s a lost opportunity if youdon’t look into it. It’s a way of not drinking the societal KoolAid of the idea that we can’t do this on our own and someone who isa “specialist” is the only one who can handle this for us. It’s away of taking control over your finances. Go slow and understandthat you just need to focus a little bit. It’s really not all thatdaunting. It’s just math.”

As Tyrone Jackson always says, if you completed the fourthgrade, you can handle this math. So do yourself a favor and applythat fourth grade education and learn how to invest in the stockmarket. Visit The and download your free copy ofTrading Stocks for Wealth to begin your journey today.