Tyrone interviews one of his more advanced students, Patrick Giugliano, about his experience trading so far.

Patrick started as an engineer but decided he didn’t want to make a career of it. The medical field spoke to him because he enjoyed helping people. Luckily it is in Dr. Giugliano’s nature to flourish in difficult situations because he chose one of the hardest disciplines of medicine: sleep medicine. Eventually Patrick built a private practice and had a long and successful career. Recently he retired and is happy to make trading his main source of income.

Patrick was attracted to the Wealthy Investor program because Tyrone came from a common background, similar to himself. He also appreciates that Tyrone teaches you to trade like the institutions trade. The institutions, or the big money, refers to the banks, college endowments, insurance companies, and hedge funds that trade a million or more contracts at once. These large trades truly affect the market. By understanding why the institutions trade the way they do, an individual can anticipate moves in the market and ride the coat tails of these companies.

The first trade that Tyrone teaches is covered call writing because it helps to shift your mindset to see what is possible. Patrick says he doesn’t have a favorite type of covered call because he uses the different types of trades to react to what is happening in the market. For example, in a bull market he would use out of the money calls. On a more advanced level, Patrick is attracted to owning LEAPS, or Long-term Equity Anticipation Securities, because of their extrinsic value and because purchasing a longer option gives you the time to be right.

When Tyrone teaches more complex derivatives, which are basically buying longer calls, he teaches his students to buy a lot of time because that call option will go up exponentially as the stock moves up and time becomes kind of like an insurance policy.

Patrick uses compounding by going back and forth between the Delta 30 and the Delta 70. At the end of the cycle he ends up with more contracts than he started with. When he gets to the point where he has doubled his contracts, he then buys a stock like Apple or H&R Block and moves his money out of a trading scenario into a long term investment scenario.

Planting seeds and making investments to plan for the future is very important. Wealth is a feeling first and when you start to see your account balance rising, it gives you more confidence overall.

Patrick’s best trade happened recently. A few weeks ago the stock market went down a record 10,000 points in 5 trading days. Then on one day it dropped almost 1,100 points. Although this sounds bad, there was an opportunity because the big money was buying right back in. Patrick saw that the institutions were bringing the market back up and bought a leap at this moment. On that same day he made $12,000.

Getting a financial education has helped Patrick to create a nest egg for his family and still retire from his job. He will trade for the rest of his life because it's exciting, it keeps his mind going, and it funds his lifestyle.

Patrick’s advice to new traders is this: the most important thing about the Wealthy Investor program is being able to understand what to do if the market is bullish going up, bearish going down, or if its range bound, so that you can make money no matter what happens. The only way to make money on a regular basis is to be methodical. Even the best traders in the world know that they will only be right 19 out of 20 times, so you have to have a plan.

And our Wealthy Investor, Tyrone Jackson, agrees. It’s not about making fast money all the time. We want predictable income.

If you want to participate in advanced trades like Patrick Giugliano, you have to start at the beginning. Download Tyrone Jackson’s cheat sheet Millionaire Secrets to start getting familiar with the language of the stock market. Click HERE to download now.