Zane Mark is a successful musician and conductor. His father was a reed player, playing all the wood wind instruments with the Ellington Band and eventually Broadway. Music stayed in the family as Zane, his wife, and his daughter have all been on broadway. Mr. Mark is well known for co-composing the show Bring in the Noise, Bring in the Funk.   

When the money first started coming in and Zane’s musical career started taking off, he bought stock in mutual funds. There was no rhyme or reason to what he bought and he lucked out that it always worked out in his favor. Zane didn’t have a financial education but he knew that if you made $1 a week for 52 weeks and your bills came out to $60, you needed to do something else. 

Zane felt that if he stuck his money under the mattress it wasn’t going to be able to keep up with inflation. If he just threw it willy nilly into the stock market, he was begging to lose it all. Just like there needs to be a class on parenthood, there needs to be a class on how to handle your money. So when her Broadway show got in the way of Zane’s wife signing up for Tyrone’s Wealthy Investor class, Zane took the class in her place. 

Now with his financial education, Zane feels that he understands what the cost of living is, he can keep up with it, and now with his investments and trades he is able to surpass it. This has enabled him to relax and not worry when the phone doesn’t ring with another musical gig.

Zane generally trades stocks that pay out dividends. He owns Dow components such as Home Depot and American Express. The only non-dow component stock that he owns is Starbucks, and it is only a small part of his portfolio. This year has been much better for him because most of his portfolio is in DOW components. He tries to trade five contracts at once to make the fees worth it. Zane’s favorite trade is a simple covered call.  

Mr. Mark's favorite stock used to be McDonald’s but now it is Disney. They have so many things in their wheelhouse it feels like, how could Disney go wrong? They just announced that they are going to split their dividend. He has been investing in Disney for a little over a year. 

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