Tyrone Jackson's student Patricia Lo Piccolo joins him to talk about how she changed her mindset about what was possible and found a way to help her family. 

Patricia had a middle class upbringing in Dallas, Texas. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a landscape architect. They always had what they needed but they lived paycheck to paycheck. As an adult, she moved to NYC and established a life for herself where similarly, she was comfortable but always needed that next paycheck. She didn't realize that she should start thinking about building wealth. 

It wasn't until Tyrone told her about the stock market that she started to shift her thinking. Once she found out it was possible to create monthly income it was just a matter of educating herself. Patricia has now been trading and investing in the stock market for about three to four years. 

Once her mindset shifted, Patricia realized that a property that had been in her family for years was an asset. Because of repairs, that property had felt like a burden for a long time. Patricia was able to take a loan on the equity of the property and open a brokerage account for her family. 

However, it took Patricia about nine months to get enough of her family to open their minds to this possibility. She was able to bring some of them to Tyrone's class, and once they actually heard covered call writing explained, they felt more comfortable with the idea.

Now the family account is starting to pay back the equity loan, it makes money every month, and pays dividends to her parents. The value of the property now produces money for repairs. 

If you learn the Wealthy Investor approach to trading and investing, you can help yourself and your family too. Go to TheWealthyInvestor.net to learn more!