Everybody would love to be successful; the difference is that some people take actions to back up that desire. Before these actions, there are thoughts. So wealth actually starts in your thoughts first.   

Jenenne Macklin came back for another visit and she and Tyrone discuss her shift from simply making money to generating wealth consciousness. It’s not just about being on the grind making money, it’s about living a bigger more expansive life. Tyrone tells people to upgrade their friends and Jenenne says to change your zip code! You have to start thinking and feeling abundantly.  

Jenenne explains that its different for women, because there’s a sense that life isn’t necessarily on your side, so you are going to have to make your own way.  The women that she has watched grow into successful wealthy people generally had something bad happen to them that gave them the idea that “there’s got to be more.” This has driven them to find what “more” means. 

For some women, more means real estate because it is tangible. For others who don’t necessarily want to be out fixing toilets and renovating homes, it means investing in the stock market. We spend so much of our money in our economy, why not own a small piece of the things that we use and buy on a daily basis? If you use an iPhone, why not own a piece of Apple? If you have Verizon service, why not own a piece of Verizon? By thinking abundantly we start to see that we deserve the money that is right in front of our faces. 

Women control 14 trillion dollars in personal wealth assets. However, 70% of widows change their financial advisors within a year after their spouse’s death. 57% of women rely on social security benefits. 11% of women ages 65 and older are poor! To change this, women need to get financially educated and to find financial independence at a younger age. 

Both investing in the stock market and financial independence require getting a financial education. Listening to this podcast can be step one. Hopefully you have learned some useful tips to help you build your wealth. To learn more about investing and trading stocks, join Wealthy Investor Trades School. At WItradeschool.com Tyrone Jackson will give you the basics to get started and then keep you updated on the ever-changing stock market week by week.  

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