Pets Teach Us So Much Radio Show 48, Psychic Cynthia Segal, Blogger Kimberley Gauthier and Amazon Cares Director, Molly Mednikow
First we have famous, fabulous Pet Psychic, Cynthia Segal with the fan favorite “Ask the Pet Psychic” segment.  Cynthia has helped so many pets and people, you will be amazed by her talent.  Jump into the chat room to ask your question. Kimberly Gauthier, Blogger from Keep the Tail Wagging, joins us to talk about her communication methods with her dogs and her blog.  Plus we have Molly Mednikow, Director from Amazon Cares calling in to give us an update on the devastating floods in Peru.    She desperately needs help to “keep things afloat” at their rescue facility.