Hello Everyone!
We have Charmaine Hammond, author of On Toby’s Terms and Toby and His Hospital Friends here to talk about her books and Toby the dogs super powers and how they have helped people.
To find out more about Charmaine and her books go to www.OnTobysTerms.com 
Plus we have tons of important pet news and information with a ton of fun and laughter!
This show will rock the house!  
MATURE SUBJECT MATTER ALERT: Don’t forget about The Blog Snobs Show!  Do you want the truth?  Can you handle the truth?  Listen to Robbin and Joseph Everett on The Blog Snobs for a take no prisoners, “YIKES” filled look at the world issues that affect our daily lives.  Warning: This isn’t your mama’s news broadcast.  Download through iTunes: TheBlogSnobs and check out our website, http://www.theblogsnobs.com