Impact investment—the support of social and environmental projects with a financial return—has become a hot topic on the global stage. So much so, says investment professional Morgan Simon, that it has become poised to eclipse traditional aid by ten times in the next decade. But the field is at a tipping point, and Simon joined us to pose an integral question: Will impact investment empower millions of people worldwide, or will it replicate the same mistakes that have plagued both aid and finance? Simon proposed to answer this question with insight from her book Real Impact: The New Economics of Social Change. She shared her experience as both investor and activist to offer clear strategies for investors, community leaders, and entrepreneurs alike. Join Simon for an essential discussion for anyone seeking to learn more about the how to invest in real change in the world.

Morgan Simon is a widely-recognized leader in impact investment that has influenced over $150 billion in capital over the last seventeen years. Simon currently co-leads Candide Group, and is the founder and Chair of the non-profit Transform Finance. A graduate of Swarthmore College, Simon serves as an adjunct professor at Middlebury College’s graduate school program.

Recorded live at Impact Hub by Town Hall Seattle on Monday, March 19, 2018.