My conversation this week is with drummer, multi instrumentalist, activist and all around inspirational guy Chris St Hillaire. After more than a decade with his band the London Souls, Chris is now touring with Sinkane. Chris is also a founding member of the Sound Mind Collective who's "aim is to to connect independent musicians and artists with our local communities to encourage meaningful positive growth through education, social justice advocacy and creativity." Chris insight into the connecting the worlds of activism and music is inspiring and so important

Intro music: 'Do you?' from DB3 album 'Firebrand'

Episode interludes are taken from: Chris St. Hillaire "Strangers" and "Road March", London Souls "Steady Are You Ready" and Sinkane "Everybody"


In this conversation:

Sound Mind Collective

Operating in a conscious way

SMC and community based issues beyond music ie policing- mentorship to incarcerated kids

Musician business workshops

Lack of organizing in younger musicians

Activism on tour and linking with local communities

Eating healthy on a budget while on tour

Journey to plant-based diet

Ethical treatment of animals

Growing up in Trinidad

Standard American Diet= SAD


Life on the road forcing the issue with regards to health- That being the catalyst for change

Plant-based diet+ change in playing, life on tour, approach and mental clarity/focus

Daily schedule- Juice bar in the morning

Show preparation- Positive mindstate above all

Developing an activist mentality in musicians

Interconnectedness of issues

London Souls


Importance of valuing relationships in building a music career

Goals: long term vs short term

Leave room for your goals to evolve