How many people do you know that have not only starred on a major reality TV show, but have also been spoofed on South Park?!?! Well, I know one and you’re about to meet her. Her name is Stella Reid, aka, “Nanny Stella” of Nanny 911.


Nanny Stella moved to the USA 29 years ago from Northern England, became a celebrity and is now coaching parents, matching nannies and families, and offers online training courses for parents and nannies.


Here are some of the highlights from this most entertaining dialog:

- What the hell is Momnesia?

- How she’s relied upon “Military Precision” to whip these parents’ asses into shape!

- Her own personal transformation from a “Rottweiler with a bee in its mouth” into a….well, she’ll tell you.

- The 6 C’s of Mental Toughness!

- How a working class girl from the North of England becomes a US celebrity

- The Nanny 9-1-1 story.

- And, of course, the South Park spoof: how it initially demoralized her and how she’s converted it into fuel!




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