You ready to PLAY today?! Because that’s exactly what you’re about to do, and exactly what you’re about to watch me and today’s Tough Talks guest, David Wood, do.


David is actually a former Actuary for Fortune 100 companies like Exxon and Sony Music and Proctor & Gamble. He bounced from his cushy Manhattan gig to go off and explore the worlds. That is, the actual world, but also his inner world.


Now he’s an International Coach and Speaker who has coached thousands of hours over 20 years and in 12 countries!


His tag line, as well as his world view and website name is, “Play For Real.” He points out that 90% of people die with regret and he thinks that’s pretty damn unnecessary. And we’re gonna ask him all about that and how to NOT be one of that 90%!


This cat is both brilliant AND fun as hell. You’re gonna learn and laugh from this wizard today!


Here are some highlights:

- The real key to success both personally and professionally.

- The three keys to make that one key happen (you’re gonna need a keyring for this situation!).

- To be your most powerful self, you must not only demonstrate the courage to express your real truth, you need to know what the hell it is! (And two ways to do that.)

- Why it’s kind of stupid to be consumed with the whole “right or wrong” debate.

- Why it’s incredibly powerful to not care about getting what you want.

- The power of being DARING and the power of not being DARING! - What it’s like to step off a mountain and go UP!

- The worst thing that can happen to you is a thought. Huh?

- And a very generous offer he has for some of you. But you have to qualify.



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